At Gabi & Jules, we care about creating positive changes in our community (yes, our pie is life changing - but we do so much more than bake pies!). This includes involvement in charitable giving and being accessible employers for individuals with disabilities.
Lisa Beecroft (Co-Owner of G&J) has been a member of the Presidents Group since 2017, and is currently Co-Chair. Since opening Gabi & Jules, she has been an advocate for creating more inclusive hiring in BC. We pride ourselves on being an accessible employer that hires individuals of all abilities, and we are always striving to create more positive change like this in our community.

giving back to our community is an essential part of what we do
We love being a part of local charity & community initiatives that revolve around: Education, Families, Autism Awareness, Environmental Awareness, Female Empowerment, & Social Justice.
Some of the organizations we actively support include: SHARE Family & Community Services, PADS, Autism Support Network
If you would like to request a donation from us, please reach out through the form linked below! Please allow 5-7 business days for us to respond to your request.
Gabi & Jules has played an active role in the President's Group since 2017 because we believe in the need for more inclusive hiring practices in BC.
In 2021, 42% of our workforce identified as having a disability through the Annual Pledge to Measure survey run by the Presidents Group. The numbers collected from this survey shed an important light on how creating an inclusive culture in organizations is incredibly essential in today's world.
We want to do our part to raise awareness & combat the stigma around employability of people with disabilities by creating a diverse workforce at G&J.

We are also proud to have been accredited as a Rainbow Registered organization recognized by Canada's LGBTQIA2S+ Chamber of Commerce for meeting stringent criteria attesting to diverse and inclusive practices.